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金札 The Golden Tablet

1 Source and/or Related Material


2 Author

Unknown, sashi by Kannami

3 Repertoire

Kanze, Hōshō, Komparu, Kongō

4 Synopsis

An envoy (waki) of Emperor Kammu and his entourage (wakitsure) visit the village of Fushimi to observe the construction of a shrine there. They meet an old priest (maeshite) from Akone Bay in Ise Province who has come for the same purpose. The old man sings a song punning on the names of all sorts of trees and blesses the construction underway. Suddenly, a golden tablet falls from the sky, and the old man reveals that he is the god Amatsu Futodama, the herald of the Ise Grand Shrine. Commanding that the golden tablet be enshrined, he disappears into the light. A villager (ai) arrives and reviews these events in plain speech. Then, Amatsu Futodama (nochishite) appears in his divine form, shooting at demons with his bow and arrow. He blesses the imperial reign and donates the golden tablet to the shrine.